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I Hate Green Beans: A recent conversation with my boss

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A recent conversation with my boss

Boss: "What are you doing Monday and Tuesday?"
Lincee: "Watching the Bachelor."

Boss: "I need you to go to Colombia."
Lincee: "As in Ohio?"

Boss: "No. That would be Columbus. I need you in Colombia. The country."

Lincee: blank stare
Boss: "Great. We'll talk about details later."


Tracy said...

No one can say that you aren't travelling to "the outermost parts" in your new job!!! You globetrotter, you!

A said...

OH NOOOOOOO!! How will all of us groupies survive without a Tuesday recap??? Tell your boss it just won't work! J.J. Have fun and be safe. Thank the Lord for Tivo

Shazancohen said...

I have been there several times, you will love it! Food is much better than the place that made you eat all those crazy things! Try the arepas with cheese they are delicious!! Enjoy!

J.R.S. said...

That conversation was very "Office Space"! Did he ask you to file your TPS reports when you got back?

Love your blogs.

Beck said...

When do we get to hear about the airport mishap???